Natural Beauty Remedies to Beat the Blues

Here are some natural beauty remedies to consider. Read here for a healthier and richer living.

Speaking from experience, I have major moments when I’m just so down as a result of life.  Sometimes the blues can be brought on by something circumstantial in life or a biochemical imbalance.  So its good to understand what these triggers are, e.g. is your job sucking your soul, are you facing financial difficulty etc.  Getting to the root of why you might be feeling the blues is the first step to beating it.

There are natural ways of treating depression:

1.Exercise:  exercise releases happiness inducing endorphins which act like natural anti-depressants. The best part of exercise is the side effects, hot body!!! That should be motivation enough to get active.  My personal favorite is Bikram yoga, all that sweating is cleansing and my skin literally glows afterwards, never mind the good mood it leaves me in.  

2.Don’t skip meals: Why? Keeping your blood sugar levels stable reduces mood swings.  The poor sucker that happens to be around me when I’m hungry, I pity that person.

3.Eat a serotonin enhancing diet:  Anti-depressants work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain but you can increase this by eating foods that naturally boost levels.  This includes foods like salmon, anchovies, and mackerel.  These fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids.  

4.Avoid caffeine:  Ok I’m not going to lie, this is a hard one for me.  I don’t function without at least 2 double espressos in the morning.  Caffeine however reduces serotonin levels.  It’s going to be hard to wean myself off it but I’m going to try.

5.Get in the sun:  That’s kind of easy for us South Africans as we have a lot of it.  Vitamin D is good for you!

6 Talk it out:  Nothing is more healing than a good session with your bestie (and a glass of wine).  Sometimes finding someone you trust to listen and give you an outside perspective helps to make things a bit easier to deal with.

Ladies, this affects us all but we need not be slaves to the blues. This affects everything from how we look to our quality and beauty of life.

Read about how to minimize the effects of PMS

Read about easy exercise routines.

Article by: Janis Aranes

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