Apply Fragrance Like a Pro

Now that you know which fragrance notes do what, how about knowing where to apply them?

Ever wondered why it’s best to apply perfume on your pulse points? Well, your pulse points give off heat and release the scent. So, even though it might sound strange, applying perfume to your wrists, inner elbows, temples, neck hollow, behind the ears, and behind the knees really works!

Take note of what type of fragrance you have purchased. If it’s a perfume, apply no more than two drops of it. If it’s eau de parfum, apply no more than three sprays of it. If it’s eau de toilette, apply no more than four hits of it. It is crucial that you don’t pile your fragrance on, especially if you want to reapply it. You become desensitized to the smell of the fragrance over time. Stick to the amount you used initially when you wore the fragrance and you won’t go wrong.

Time to conjure up the romance this Valentine’s Day, and apply your fragrance like a pro!

Article by: Kelly Abrahams

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