Tips for Healthy and Sexy Feet

healthy feetHealthy feet starts with good hygiene, and more often than not, we tend to neglect our feet when it comes to everyday grooming. Yes, we go for pedicures every so often, but there’s a lot more we can do to keep our feet in tip top condition. Here are a few tips for healthy feet:

•Moisturise – It’s quite a simple thing to do, but I personally don’t do this every day and the worst part is I have 2 different foot creams. I completely neglect my feet, and this needs to change immediately.

•Dry between your toes – Neglecting to dry between your toes can lead to a fungus heaven. Fungal feet infections love moisture, so after bathing it’s important to dry your feet so they don’t have time to breed.

•Cut toenails properly – I remember as a child being taught the rule of cutting my toenails straight. This is done to avoid unsightly ingrown nails.  

•Avoid sweaty feet – The feet have an alarming 250 000 sweat glands which means that our feet sweat a lot! Use foot powder to absorb sweat and moisture in shoes that are not breathable and closed. This will also counteract smelly feet.

•Wear shoes that fit properly – I’m so guilty of this one! I’ve often compromised comfort over fashion and squeezed my feet into terribly uncomfortable shoes leaving my feet worse for wear.  

•Avoid shoe sharing – It’s fun to wear a friend’s pair of shoes especially on a night out, but it isn’t particularly wise because you can easily pick up a fungal infection.  

•Protect your feet in public areas – The gym can be a breeding ground for infections, like Athletes Foot. Wear slip slops when walking around the locker rooms.  

When your feet are healthy, they will look sexy, but for extra sexiness, paint your toenails! We all need a bit of colour in our lives.   


Read some Home treatments for your feet.

Article by: Janis Aranes


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