ENVIRON® COOL HOME PEEL KIT Peeling for the rejuvenation of the skin is not a modern procedure. The earliest description of a peel can be found in Egyptian history where papyrus was used. The Environ home peel kit is an innovative, gentle and cool home peeling system formulated to assist in the treatment of fine lines, lax photo aged skin, rough skin texture, hyper pigmentation and most importantly to assist with the treatment of problematic skins. Tri-Chloracetic acid is a safe man-made chemical based on acetic acid and is the active ingredient in this cool peel. To achieve the best possible results, it is recommended that the skin be treated with Environ’s topical vitamin A creams/gels for at least three weeks prior to a peel. At the time of the peel, the skin should be cleansed thoroughly and then prepared with Environ® Alpha Toner Forte to ensure that the skin is as acidic as possible. The peel may be left on for 10 minutes and up to 20 minutes for problem and photo damaged skin. For problem skin repetitive gentle peels rapidly control the breakouts and allow one to progress onto higher doses of topical vitamin A to achieve greater effects. The peel should be washed off with water until totally removed, followed by the application of one’s regular Environ skin care vitamin A regime. The peel can be safely used once a week and it is recommended that peel treatments be done in the winter months. It is essential that the treated area should be protected with RADSPF 15 or Alpha Day Lotion following the peel. Gentle, serial light peels give the equivalent results to one heavy peel but without the discomfort, obvious signs and inconvenience of a heavy peel. The kit contains 25ml of Environ Home Peel ACM1 Cream 100 ml Alpha Toner Forte A peel brush The kit can be obtained from your skin care therapist for home use. Recommended Retail Price R300.00