Hairstyle Love

Ladies as Im sure you have gathered by now I am miss bargain and love finding inexpensive alternatives if this makes me a cheap-skate then so be it!

I have been loving the Donut Buns lately, one thing I absolutely love is that you really do NOT have to have long or thick hair for this look, I am curretly growing my hair out and have it up a lot because it is in the in-between bitty stage. I was told these Donut Buns are available to buy at Woolies and after trawling every Woolies near me asking for it being looked at like a total loony and being directed to the food section for “doughnuts” – I decided I couldn’t wait any longer and went home to make my own SOCK bun, at least its less fattening (JOKE) Below are pictures illustrating how you can make your own sock bun. I used a navy aeroplane sock, any will work.

sock bun old sockrolled sock for sock bun
sock rolledDiy sock bun

This is another idea for all those pretty single buttons you have laying around, glue them onto a bobby pin or a clip and you will have yourself a cute unique hair accessory!


Article by: Cara Glaser



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